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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

In order for you to make the most of our website and improve your user experience, we use cookies, just like most websites. This Cookie Usage Policy ("Policy") explains to all our website visitors and users what type of cookies are used and under what conditions.


What is a cookie?


Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device or network server by the websites you visit on your computer or mobile device.


What Types of Data Are Processed in Cookies?


Depending on the type of cookies on websites, data regarding your browsing and usage preferences on the device you visit the website are collected. This data includes information about the pages you access, the services and products you view, the language you prefer, and your other preferences.


For What Purposes Are Cookies Used?


These small text files containing your preferred language and other settings on the site help us remember your preferences the next time you visit the site and make improvements to our services to improve your experience on the site.


So you can have a better and personalized usage experience on your next visit.

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are as follows:


- Improving the performance of the website
- To improve and facilitate the services offered to you through the site,
- Offering new features on the site and customizing the features according to your preferences,
- To ensure the legal and commercial security of you and our company,
- To prevent fraudulent transactions on the site,

- To fulfill its legal and contractual obligations, especially those arising from the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts, and the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Regulation of Broadcasts Made on the Internet.


Types of Cookies:
Types of Cookies in Terms of Storage Period:

Session Cookies:

Session cookies ensure that the website works properly during your visit. They are used for purposes such as ensuring the security and continuity of our sites and your visit. Session cookies are temporary cookies, they are deleted when you close your browser and come back to our site, they are not permanent.


Persistent Cookies:


These cookies help our website remember your information and choices on your next visit. Persistent cookies remain stored even after you have visited our site, closing your browser or restarting your computer. These cookies are kept in subfolders of your browser until they are deleted from your browser's settings.


Types of Cookies in Terms of Usage:


First and Third Party Cookies:

First-party cookies are cookies used by our site. Third party cookies are cookies installed on your computer other than our site. Both first and third party cookies are used on our website.

Your data obtained due to your visit to our website may be shared with our business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals in line with the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVK Law, in line with the purposes of processing your personal data.


Mandatory Cookies:


Mandatory Cookies are cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly. Compulsory cookies are used to manage the system properly, create user accounts and log in, and prevent fraudulent transactions. Without these cookies, the website will not work properly.


Function Cookies:


Function Cookies are cookies used to facilitate your visit to the website and improve your experience on the website. These cookies allow you to easily access the content by remembering your previous visit to the website.


Analytical Cookies:


Analytical Cookies contain data that allows us to see which of our pages attract more attention, which resources are viewed more, and that allows us to provide services appropriate to this traffic by seeing the traffic on our sites. Cookies used of this nature store information anonymously.

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising or Targeting cookies are cookies that enable us to detect and deliver content that is close to your interests. Third-party advertising cookies may be placed on our website, mobile site, and other websites where we advertise, so that we can recognize you and provide you with tailored advertisements. These cookies are also used to measure the efficiency of our advertisements.
Except for the mandatory and first party cookies used by our sites, the cookies used are as follows:

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a web analysis tool that analyzes how users use the website. In addition to anonymous information, personal data about your use of the website (name, address, phone number, e-mail address, IP address) are sent to Google by your browser and saved by Google.
How can you prevent the use of cookies?
Most browsers automatically accept cookies. However, if you wish, you can refuse cookies by changing your browser settings. Please note that if you refuse cookies, some features and services on our site may not work properly, our site may not be personalized and customized according to your experience.
You have the opportunity to customize your preferences regarding cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Browser manufacturers offer help pages for


managing cookies in their products. For more information please click:

Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Internet Explorer:
Opera Mobile:
Safari Computer:
Safari Mobile:

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